Thinking about starting your own business? We can help.
The YMCA of Greater Vancouver Self-Employment Program is hosting a FREE virtual general information session.
This session, titled "Get Help Starting a Business", is running on Friday, July 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., and will take place on Zoom.
In our free information session, budding entrepreneurs will gain insight and practical advice to help them on their journey. Topics include:
Is your business idea right for you/the current market?
How to find your customers?
How will you know if you can make enough money?
Please register in advance for this upcoming session, by clicking on the link below.
Register for the "Get Help Starting a Business" Information Session
If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Brisdon, Manager, Self Employment Program at lynne.brisdon@gv.ymca.ca.
We hope you’ll join us on July 15th!