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A mother and daughter swimming at the YMCA in Vancouver

YMCAs of BC's Key Policy Recommendations for Supporting a Healthy and Engaged British Columbia  


At a time where our health care system is under enormous pressure and political parties are outlining their plans for healthcare reform in advance of the provincial election, something is missing from the debate: a focus on keeping people healthy.  

Preventing people from falling into ill-health is one of the best ways to reduce pressure on the health system over the longer term, and we know that the way we grow, live and play has a huge impact on our physical and mental health.  

Everyone should have access to the things in life that enable them to achieve a high standard of health and well-being. But for too many people, the impacts of poverty, the stress of unemployment, the lack of affordable housing, and the inability to access early learning and family programs lead to negative health outcomes.   

The YMCA has always focused on removing barriers to good health and promoting health equity through our programs and services. We’re calling on all BC political parties to commit to addressing health equity in BC to reduce the strain on the health care system and build healthy communities.  

YMCAs in BC have the following provincial policy recommendations:  


  1. Address affordability and reduce the impact of poverty  

  • Continue to prioritize investments in affordable, high quality early learning and child care  

  • Enhance investments in employment services for youth and newcomers  

  • Improve access to community recreation facilities for British Columbians with lower income   


  1. Promote health and well-being of youth and seniors   

  • Increase investments in low-barrier community-based programs for youth   

  • Enhance funding for community-based chronic disease management and injury prevention programs   


  1. Prioritize community social infrastructure   

  • Increase investments in community social infrastructure including new builds and maintenance of aging community facilities.   

  • Create more avenues for non-profits to access capital funding directly for community social infrastructure.  

  • Encourage and incentivize municipalities to partner with non-profits in the planning, building, and operating of facilities.   

  • Promote safe, inclusive, and affordable outdoor experiences for youth.  


For more detailed information about our policy positions, please see this resource